Working on a remote box with sshfs
I needed to edit numerous files today on a remote linux box. Normally, I would ssh in and use vi. However, I had to edit ruby/rhtml files and I wanted a fami...
I needed to edit numerous files today on a remote linux box. Normally, I would ssh in and use vi. However, I had to edit ruby/rhtml files and I wanted a fami...
Update (2/20/09): Check out Useful unix tricks – part 2, Useful unix tricks – part 3 and Useful unix tricks – part 4
Update (9/5/07): My project has since switched over to UnitRecord for the reasons outlined by Dan Manges.
One thing that really bothers me about ruby is its use of cryptic variables such as $: and $?. For example:
We recently discovered that Rails maps a :timestamp in a migration file to an Oracle DATE instead of a TIMESTAMP. DATE types only have second precision, not ...